Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Birthday Gift for H.E. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche

Virupa, 2006, Mixed Media
50 cm x 50 cm
 Yen Chua (MA in Art Therapy)

After a series of clear teachings that H.E. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche kindly bestowed in Singapore, his students and friends gathered and offered this beautiful painting of the great Mahasiddha Virupa (Birwapa) to him in appreciation of the finer points of meditation.

Sarva Mangalam!  Dec 4, 2011

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Vesak Day 2011, Land of a Million Lights

May the darkness of ignorance be dispelled by the light of wisdom. May all beings be truly well and happy. Sarva Mangalam, Happy Saka Dawa 2011!

H.E. Luding Khenchung Rinpoche

Namaste _(")_  Tashi Delek and Happy Birthday, Rinpoche!

His Eminence Venerable Luding Khenchung Rinpoche is the fourth son of Her Eminence Jetsun Kushok Rinmoche. He is also one of the lineage holders of Ngor subset of  the Sakyapa Tradition. He resides in Manduwala, India.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Sakya Foundation (Jetsun Kushok) Websites Launched

Finally, Jetsun Kushok-la's vision for Sakya Foundation is coming together. The contents of the Canada and US websites are similar for the present.  Core projects are: Supporting monastic education in India and Nepal, preservation and publication of Dharma texts and establishing study, meditation and retreat centres, both in Canada, US and Europe. So far, Jetsun Kushok-la has established 5 centres in her Mandala.

Musical Videos of H.E. Luding Khen Chenpo's Long Life Celebrations

New musical (new Tibetan songs) videos of  Luding Khenchen Rinpoche's Long Life Celebration (80th birthday, 2010, at Manduwala, India). Luding Khenchen is Her Eminence Jetsun Kushok's brother-in-law. Jetsun Kushok-la is His Holiness' elder sister.



Thursday, 5 May 2011

Melody of Dharma 2011 - Lastest Issue No. 5

The lastest current issue of Melody of Dharma, a publication by Sakya Dolma Phodrang is now available.
Teachings:  1. Looking Into the Nature of Mind by His Holiness Sakya Trizin  2. Maitreya Semtsema by Ven. Khenpo Appey Rinpoche.

Previous issues are available here.

84000: Continuity of Dharma, Start of Next Translation Epoch

The next epoch of dharma translation has started. 
Rinpoche's great work and vision -
translating the words of the Buddha http://84000.co/

Importance of translating the Kangyur

The Kangyur is a body of scripture that must be translated. Because unless the Kangyur is translated, it will be like having a tree without roots. 

Listen or read address by His Eminence Dzongzar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
http://84000.co/2011/02/djkr-address-to-working-committee-and-guests/   (date accessed 23 April 2011)

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Continuity of Dharma - Previous Translation Epoch

"When Thume Sambota had created the script and grammar for the Tibetan language, king Songtsen Gampo arranged for numerous texts to be translated into the new language. This was the beginning of massive translation projects that lasted for several centuries. Through the new written language, knowledge and Dharma spread all over the country. For all of this the Tibetan people are deeply grateful to the distinguished scholar of Tibet, Thume Sambota. This is the beginning of an era when the red-faced warriors of Tibet were eventually transformed into peaceful Buddhists."
http://www.learntibetan.net/other/thume.htm    (date accessed 24 April, 2011)

For those wishing to take their time to slowly to recognise the root Tibetan words at their own pace, these two links could be helpful:

Friday, 22 April 2011

Sukhavati - Vows of Buddha Amitabha by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

Public Teaching by His Eminence Dzongzar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
at Sakya Tenphel Ling, Singapore  20 & 21 Feb 2010

The teachings were recorded by Sakya Tenphel Ling, Singapore

(http://www.sakyatenphelling.org/  - under recorded teachings)
Translator:  Huang Jing Rui  (84000 - translating words of the Buddha)

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Fire Puja Ingredients

Common Ingredients:  Vegetable oil, Kusha stalks and grass, medicinal grass, wooden sticks
Seeds: Sesame, unhusked rice (paddy)
Grains: Barley berries, wheat berries, beans, rice
Food: Tsampa or rolled oats, honey, milk, molassess
Others:  To be specified according to text, or Lama's instructions

Photos taken during Vajrayogini Fire Puja performed
by H.E. Jetsun Kusho-la at
Sakya Tenphel Ling, Singapore 
21 Feb 2010

There are different texts for making fire pujas to different deities. Here is an extract on the reasons and benefits of performing a Vajrapani fire puja.  (from http://sakya.org/specialevents/219-vajrapani-fire-puja.html  , date accessed 21 April 2011)

In a monastery, monks traditionally perform prayer ceremonies and Pujas for the long life, health and success of their lamas, friends, benefactors and all sentient beings, as well as for world peace.

The smoke emanating from the fire is charged with vibrations and the vibrations travel for miles creating peace and harmony in the world. 

The Vajrapani Fire Puja is very powerful and has many benefits.  For the living, a Vajrapani fire puja ceremony fulfills wishers, removes obstacles, improves health, and increases merit and wealth. For Buddhist practitioners, making offering to the fire deities helps the practitioner gain accomplishments on the path, stabilize one's meditation concentration and improve one's spiritual practice. For the deceased, the ceremony is an excellent method of purifying negative karma and attaining higher rebirth.

The Vajrapani Fire Puja also helps to avert or purify three kinds of obstacles:
  • External adversities that manifest from karmic imprints and affect our daily life, relationships, job, business, etc:
  • Internal hindrances arising from fear, doubts and superstition that affect our health or mental state; and
  • Secret/hidden obstacles of inherent ignorance that obstruct our ability to realize the true nature of reality

Sakya Tenphel Ling programs, Singapore, offers a couple of Fire Pujas throughout the year. For programs,

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Sand Mandala used during elaborate Pujas (offerings)

Sand Mandala installation

Roof over entrance


Golden Parasol

Decorative Banner

Multicolored Petals 

Closed up view

Closed up view

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Tapestry of Sacred Music - Esplanade, Torma Exhibition 15 - 17 April 2011

8 Auspicious Symbols: Endless Knot (top), Banner of Victory

Conch, Wheel

Treasure Vase, Fish of Gnosis

Golden Parasol, Lotus

Tormas made by Sakya College Monks
Exhibited bySakya Tenphel Ling, Singapore
Organised byTapestry of Sacred Sound, Esplanade Singapore
15 - 17 April 2011

The shots on the notes are not clearly visible. A clearer version will appear soon.
Revisit this post again.

tapestry of sacred Music

Monks of Jamchen Lhakhang (late Chogay Rinpoche's Monastery), led by
His Eminence, Gar Shabdrung Rinpoche, grandnephew of Rinpoche
at Esplanade Open Theatre

Naga Puja at Singapore River, 15 April 2011

Serkhim - Golden Liberation Ritual

Namthosay Chayang, 16 April 2011

Kangso and Torma Offering

Jamchen Lhakhang and Sakya Tenphel Ling (team)
photo, courtesy of Steven Lim
This is the 2nd year that Sakya Tenphel Ling has been invited
to participate in the annual Singapore's Tapestry of Sacred Music
at Esplanade Outdoor Theatre, a beautiful backdrop infront of Singapore River.
Each year, different groups of sacred sounds and music are offered.

Chinese New Year 2011, Singapore Sakya Tenphel Ling

A treat for His Holiness and entourage and members and friends in Sakya Tenphel Ling, Singapore during the Lunar New Year celebrations. Feb 13, 2011. The lion dance was performed by Singapore Raffles Girls School for the "School Pocket Money Fund". Good show, girls!