Saturday, 4 June 2011

Vesak Day 2011, Land of a Million Lights

May the darkness of ignorance be dispelled by the light of wisdom. May all beings be truly well and happy. Sarva Mangalam, Happy Saka Dawa 2011!

H.E. Luding Khenchung Rinpoche

Namaste _(")_  Tashi Delek and Happy Birthday, Rinpoche!

His Eminence Venerable Luding Khenchung Rinpoche is the fourth son of Her Eminence Jetsun Kushok Rinmoche. He is also one of the lineage holders of Ngor subset of  the Sakyapa Tradition. He resides in Manduwala, India.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Sakya Foundation (Jetsun Kushok) Websites Launched

Finally, Jetsun Kushok-la's vision for Sakya Foundation is coming together. The contents of the Canada and US websites are similar for the present.  Core projects are: Supporting monastic education in India and Nepal, preservation and publication of Dharma texts and establishing study, meditation and retreat centres, both in Canada, US and Europe. So far, Jetsun Kushok-la has established 5 centres in her Mandala.

Musical Videos of H.E. Luding Khen Chenpo's Long Life Celebrations

New musical (new Tibetan songs) videos of  Luding Khenchen Rinpoche's Long Life Celebration (80th birthday, 2010, at Manduwala, India). Luding Khenchen is Her Eminence Jetsun Kushok's brother-in-law. Jetsun Kushok-la is His Holiness' elder sister.